At TTVS, we are incredibly proud of how we support our community and how our staff really do take this commitment to the next level. We want to share some great examples of we put people at the heart of everything we do.
We run a service called Help at Home, helping people stay independent in their own homes whilst supporting their wellbeing. One of our support workers recently dropped in to see a client to pick up something they had left behind. They noticed that the client wasn’t quite right and was struggling. Emergency services were called in and the client was taken to local hospital with a very serious condition. With some quick thinking, vigilance and compassion, the client is now on the mend.
Another support worker was visiting a client and was unable to rouse them and even more worryingly unable to access the property due to a chain being on. With some more quick thinking, the police were called and they helped organise an ambulance as the client was in urgent need of medical care. The support doesn’t end there! Our fantastic support worker helped arrange ongoing care and even pops in to see how they are, in their own time.
This is the TTVS difference!