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Helping hand

Ryan is 12 years old and lives with his Mum who suffers from depression and anxiety. Ryan has experienced bullying at school and in the community and had poor school attendance. Ryan is offering emotional and practical support to his Mum and witnesses her severe mood swings and unpredictable behaviour. When Ryan was assessed as a young carer it was recognised that he was very isolated from his peers, had poor education provision and the family did not really leave their home apart from short shopping trips to the local supermarket. 

Since joining Carewise, Ryan has started to attend our regular drop-in club and weekend respite trips. He is gaining in confidence, improving his social skills and has made a couple of new friends. Carewise also introduced Ryan to a local youth group which is in walking distance of his home, accompanying him to the club for 2 weeks and showing him the safest route to walk. He continues to attend this club on a regular basis and is socialising well with his peers. 

Our funders:

  • Torridge District Council
  • Northam Town Council
  • Bideford Bridge Trust
  • Bideford TC
  • Lottery Community Fund
  • Devon County Council
  • Devon Memory Café Consortium
  • Active Devon
  • Edward Gosling Foundation